FonTag operates on the principal that Transparency is generally a good policy.  

What that means is that...  

Everybody in your circle can see everything posted to that circle.  

It's important to keep that in mind when you are posting your CareNotes.

There is no such thing as a perfect family, even though we all do our best.  

That being said, if you have something to say, that you don't want everyone in the circle to hear, then don't use FonTag.  Instead, send them a private text or talk to them in person.

FonTag is currently working on some advanced features to accommodate situations where transparency is not the best policy.  

Gory Details.  The doctor needs to know it.  Your relative who is in the medical profession will want to know it.  But pretty much everybody else would rather not know.  FonTag is working on a feature called "private tags", which will work kind of like security clearances in the military.  CareNotes marked with these private tags will only be viewable by members with the proper clearance. 

Outer Circle.  This is another feature that we're working on.  Maybe there are people at church praying for your loved one, or some distant relatives, neighbors or other friends.  These people don't need to know most of whats going on, but its still important to keep them updated occasionally.  You will be able to identify a specific CareNote as designated to be shared with the circle's Outer circle, yet still with the convenience of posting it in just one place, and having FonTag send it out to everyone via their preferred contact method:  email or text, and coming soon voice.  We may even add other popular contact methods like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp.  

 If any of the above features are important to you send us an email, to vote for that one to be finished sooner rather than later.

Back to Transparency - just remember that if someone is a member of your Inner Circle, they can read everything posted to that circle.