There are 3 different categories or levels of notes/messages in Fontag:

  1. Actual Conversations/Interactions
  2. Meta Data about Conversations/Interactions
  3. Notifications

1.  Actual Conversations/Interactions - NOT STORED in FonTag.

These are PRIVATE.  FonTag does NOT record audio during visits or phone calls.  Ever.

FonTag respects your privacy.  You only share what you what you want to share, explicitly.   The only thing we automatically save is a timestamp, and which icon you pressed. (Meta data).   That's it.  The rest of what you share is completely up to you. Meaning, you have to actually type it in yourself (or paste it).

When you tap the  call icon, FonTag will dial your smart phone for you, but it will not record the conversation.

When you tap the  email icon, it will open your smart phone's email app, where you can type your PRIVATE message.  FonTag does NOT store a copy of it, unless you physically paste it into the CareNote.

When you tap the  text icon, it will open your smart phone's texting app, where you can type your PRIVATE message. Just like emails,  FonTag does NOT store a copy of it, unless you physically paste it into the CareNote.

A special note about the visit icon.  FonTag does not require you to enter an address for your care recipient.  We assume that you already know where they live.  However, maybe your loved one has recently moved into a new facility, or maybe they are in the hospital, and some people in your circle don't know the address.  That's why we allow you to enter one, but it is NEVER required.  If you choose to enter an address, FonTag will open the navigation app on your phone.  

If there are things ABOUT the conversation/interaction that you would like to share with your fellow circle members, you have to type it in yourself (or paste it).  

FonTag respects your privacy.  You only share what you what you want to share. Explicitly.  

FonTag saves the Meta data, that's it!

2.  Meta data about Conversations/Interactions - this is the heart of FonTag

Whenever you tap one of the action icons:   (email, call, text or visit),  FonTag logs it, which just means that it creates a CareNote along with the date and time, before it opens the corresponding app on your phone (maps, dialer, email or texting app).

Later you enter a quick CareNote to explicitly share a quick note about the interaction with the whole circle.  Its important to record whether your loved one actually answered the phone, or if you just left a message or got a busy signal.  This could be an indication that they are in trouble, and might need assistance.

The CareNote database is also very useful as a diary, so when the doctor asks for dates or incident details or symptom details, you can use the Search feature (coming soon) to easily find the information that you need.  Since it's available on your phone, you don't have to remember to bring this documentation with you to the doctor's office.

FonTag uses this Meta data to determine when your loved one is over due for some family time.  The timestamp and type of interaction are visually represented on the "Interaction Bar", along with other important information like if they actually answered the phone, or if they responded to your text message.  

FonTag automatically only saves the Meta data (timestamp and which icon was pressed).  The rest is up to you.

3.  Notifications

If FonTag determines that your loved one has not had any family time for over 24 hours, it will send out a notification "Hey, somebody call mom", to each circle member.

If you tap one of the action icons:    (email, call, text or visit), and neglect to enter a quick CareNote within an hour, FonTag will send you a notification to remind you to enter one.

You may also get a notification from FonTag when your account balance is running low.

To summarize, there are 3 different categories or levels of notes/messages in FonTag  Actual Conversations/Interactions, Meta Data about Conversations/Interactions, and Notifications.  The FonTag Care Log revolves entirely around the meta data generated when you tap the action icons.  Your actual conversations are considered private, never stored automatically.